277CA Edit Lookup Tool
The 277CA Edit Lookup Tool provides easy-to-understand descriptions associated with the edit code(s) returned on the 277CA – Claim Acknowledgement. The Claim Status Category Code (CSCC), the Claim Status Codes (CSCs), and the Entity Identifier Code (EIC) are returned in the Status Information segment (STC) of the 277CA:
CSCC – Claim Status Category Code (required): This code indicates the general category of the status, which is further detailed in the CSC element. Valid Values: A1, A3, A6, A7, A8
CSC – Claim Status Code (required): This code conveys the status of an entire claim or a specific service line. Examples: 507, 562, 128, 164, etc.
EIC – Entity Identifier Code (when applicable): These are unique codes used to identify an entity. Examples: 41 (submitter), 77 (facility), 85 (billing provider), DK (ordering provider), IL (subscriber), etc.
To use Tool, enter the codes into the fields and select Submit. Additional instructions are available in the How to Use the 277CA Edit Tool
Note: This tool is for edits generated by CEDI for durable medical equipment ANSI X12 version 5010A1 claims. If you are trying to view edit explanations for other lines of business, please visit the appropriate Medicare contractors Web page for more information.